A worker writes,
“My heart is gripped by the unengaged and unreached people groups, included among them are the Moors of Mauritania and Mali. I have felt deep sighings for them, unusual in my intercessory experience.”
Mauritania and Mali are among the poorest nations in the world. Civil unrest in Mali has wreaked havoc within Mali, sending thousands of people seeking refuge over the borders in Mauritania, already poor and under-resourced. The plight of these nations is largely unnoticed.
How can we pray?
- Workers are needed. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers. Pray that He would open doors.
- Intercessors are needed who would know, feel and do His heart for Mauritania. Ask that more would have a specific prayer focus for these lands.
- Appeal to the Lord and agree with what He already has on His heart, that His Son, Jesus, would be the One adored and marvelled at before the great and terrible day comes.
- In my prayer I reason with the Lord asking, “Why would you not want to move in power? Your glory is what we desire. Reveal Your glory to these people.”
- I praise the Lord whose power is unlimited. The earth is a small speck of dust before Him. The enemies of the Gospel can be quickly dispelled. Lord, make all your enemies in Mauritania and Mali melt like wax before You.
- I am asking that witty inventions would be given to Christians who would be ushered into the economic structure of the country. That the wisdom God gave Solomon would cause many to marvel and that the testimony of Jesus would grip many hearts. Witty inventions are the power to devise amazing deeds.
2 responses to “The Moors of Mauritania and Mali”
We are having a “Pray For Africa” event shortly and we need persons or intercessors from various countries to lead in this prayers . Could you connect us with any persons from Mauritania, or from the Countries in North and Sahel Africa. We have persons from Egypt and most of the other southern countries. Thank you and God bkess you abubdantly.
We are having a “Pray For Africa” event shortly and we need persons or intercessors from various countries to lead in this prayers . Could you connect us with any persons from Mauritania, or from the Countries in North and Sahel Africa. We have persons from Egypt and most of the other southern countries. Thank you and God bless you abubdantly.