We often hear the phrase, “Jesus is the light of the world”.
Read: Isaiah 60:2, John 8:12, John 9:5
Reflect: Stop and reflect today on what that really means!
Imagine: Here is another opportunity to engage your imagination. Try to picture the world in complete darkness. The rule of sin seems complete. And then Jesus was born. Its like a bright light was sent from heaven all the way to earth in the form of a baby. The Light has arrived. No more is our world in complete darkness, because now we have access to the Light of Life. Praise God for this.
Pray: Father, in this world there seems to be a lot of darkness. We hear bad news stories all the time. There are such overwhelming amounts of pain and suffering. Holy Spirit, remind me today that Jesus is the Light of the whole world, once and for all time. Because of Jesus, there is light in my life. Fill me afresh with that joy and light that I need to be able to live and shine in this dark world. Amen.