Category: Mauritania

  • Join us in praying for Mauritania today. Did you know that Mauritania has the world\’s highest rate of slavery (per capita)? Luke 4:8

  • Elections in Mauritania

    For the past week during Ramadan, CRIDEM has been publishing a really interesting series of articles: \”A L\’heure de la Rupture…\” profiling several different Mauritanian \”celebrities\” as well as some ordinary families and their lifestyles, and how they break the Ramadan fast. It gives a really good glimpse into Mauritanian culture and different quartiers of…

  • Slavery Abolished in Mauritania

    Last week, the UN called on Mauritania to abolish slavery. Slavery is technically outlawed in the nation, but enslaved people make up nearly 4% of the population. . Praise God for delivering the people from modern-day slavery. Pray for opportunities where people can acquire a skill to sustain themselves.

  • Pray for Mauritania

    #pray for #mauritania today. An enslaved populace, civil unrest and praise for the arrest of a murderer and rapist. — PrayNorthAfrica (@PrayNorthAfrica) November 6, 2013