Bearing Fruit
Photo: mralan When Jesus told the crowds the parable of the sower from the boat, He distinguished between the different soils and emphasized that only good soil can produce a thirty, sixty or hundred fold crop. Then He continues about ‘hearing, understanding’, having a soft heart as prerequisite and called people who ‘hear’ the Word,…
Desperate for the lost to be found
Photo Source: RealHistoryWW Desperate for the lost to be found A worker in North Africa sat in my living room with head in hands saying, “How long? How long do I have to work here before I see any fruit? I just want to see some fruit.” Having served in North Africa for 5 years,…
Disputed Territory of Western Sahara
Its been a long standing political issue. The nation of Morocco literally walked in from the north, settled down, and took over, including the land of Western Sahara in its own borders. Now so much time has passed. The southern part of Morocco, or the land of Western Sahara, is a mixed population of Moroccans…
The privileges and abundance of Father God’s House
The parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15 is definitely the most vivid and detailed description of how Father God loves and views his children, and wants them to share everything He owns. We all know the story of how this rebellious son prematurely claims his inheritance, left the security of his fathers house,…
Pray North Africa in 2013
The turning over of the calendar to mark a new year is as good a time as any to pause for reflection. I am now one member of a three person team and four months ago the question was Do we abandon Pray North Africa? Or do we try and make something of it? For…