
We need your help! Is there a prayer need that we aren’t aware of? We are a team of three people who couldn’t even hope to stay in the know of all that is going on in North Africa, but we want to pray! We want to pray for you, for your ministry, your burden, anything really that aids the growing knowledge of Christ in North Africa.

You can send prayer requests to or use the form below. Be sure to indicate if it’s private or not. Private requests will stay within the Pray North Africa team and public requests will go on the website. We don’t need to know specific names or places for any prayer request, for public prayer request we would like to know the country.

If you’re worried about government snooping your messages I would like to suggest that you send your request via a neat, free service called NoteShred, be sure to enable client-side encryption and violá! A self destructing, (more) secure note!

[contact-form-7 id=”333″ title=”Contribute”]