Pray North Africa in 2013

The turning over of the calendar to mark a new year is as good a time as any to pause for reflection. I am now one member of a three person team and four months ago the question was Do we abandon Pray North Africa? Or do we try and make something of it?

For years Pray North Africa has floundered under (my) poor direction, (my) lack of investment, and most recently my very poor health (but I\’m better than ever now, thanks to diet and prayer). The point of all of this is that 2013 was a turning point for Pray North Africa, I really do desire North Africa for Christ, and I really do believe in prayer as a means to this goal, in lieu of these two facts we (then a team of two) decided to give the project a solid effort and then re-evaluate.

So what follows are some of the stats that we\’re using to determine the effectiveness of the project:

  • Our team grew 33% – we are now three people.
  • Our Twitter grew by 13 followers.
  • Our Facebook collected 52 new fans
  • Our website came into existence (that said, going from 0 to 8 unique visitors per week isn\’t much.
  • There are a couple of new subscribers to our newsletter.

All told, there is growth, I think some numbers that I should start collecting are retweets and Facebook shares, the effectiveness of Pray North Africa is best described by total time spent praying for Christ to be manifest in our target region. Retweets and Shares seem a reasonable proxy for measuring that goal.

That said, be it via our social media efforts or otherwise, in 2014 we will be praying for North Africa, would you join us? \’Like\’ us on Facebook, \’follow\’ us on Twitter, and share in the joys and pains of this volatile yet beautiful region!

Next week I\’ll try and get a post up of some of the most important prayer points we had in 2013.