The day after a day of prayer in a big city with workers from across the nation, two of us got on the tram to go to the train station. A lady and her young boy got on so we made space where our luggage had been on the seats next to us. The boy greeted us and we spoke about how al-Masih (Jesus the Messiah) blessed children that came to Him. When we asked if the lady knew about al-Masih and the Injil (New Testament) that tells us about Him. She said that she did, she heard things from the Injiil.
“Really, where do you learn about it?” we asked.
“At the mosque,” she said.
Unspoken thoughts: ‘Interesting. Wonder what kind of lessons those are.’
A few sentences later she shared that her husband read the Injil nightly and did research online to understand more. She explained that he had lost his copy of the New Testament and was so upset and sad about it! “Really,” we said, “maybe we should meet sometime.”
So we exchanged phone details before we got off the tram.
The next week we were texting and arranging a time to meet. And one of those texts requested us to bring a new copy of the New Testament. The following text said, In Arabic. That made us happy – to hear that this visit was really going to be about what we were hoping it was about! We met at a cafe with this family, bringing a copy of the New Testament and a story to discuss together. They were so happy – to meet others who love Christ and the stories about Him. And so happy to have a copy of the Bible of their own once more. Prior to us meeting, the mother had had a dream where we were with her, praying in a church and her son – a bit of a rambunctious 2 1/2 year old – was very calm and peaceful and behaved there in the church.
The next day texts came saying that they felt so happy about our time together and that we were like family. And the texts haven’t stopped! Nor the dreams that the mother (who doesn’t read) is having: a man in white came and asked her, “What do you want?” after we had looked at the end of Mark 10.
This couple continue learning in their own reading and as we meet to discuss stories. And they are praying with us that there will be a couple others who also want to join in reading these stories so that we can all learn together in a group. Please pray that for them today!
- Ask God that this whole family will put their trust and faith in Jesus Christ
- Ask that God will bring into their lives other Moroccans who are seeking to know the truth and who are willing to read the Bible together
- Ask that a Bible Study group will form around this family in their suburb
- Pray that God will reveal Himself as the Way, the Truth and the Life
- Ask for more dreams where Jesus shows Himself
- Pray that others around them will have dreams and visions
- Pray that their son, who has some hearing and speaking problems, will be healed as a demonstration of God’s love and power
- Pray for God’s protection around this family and others like them, who are so genuinely hungry and seeking to know the truth
Pray for this family as Ramadan approaches. May their hearts continue to be soft to the Gospel during the coming month. Pray that they will be protected from religious pressure to hold to the traditions of Ramadan. Ask God to bring freedom to this family.